No. 112/2021

* alternative pathways, lifelong learners Age Religious background/beliefs Caring responsibilities Educational background * Sexual identity (including LGBT+) Socio-economic background Ethnic/cultural/ migration background Gender Disability 82 76 71 65 61 48 53 39 83 55 20 52 31 39 58 46 Students Academic staff 92 76 Guidance, counseling, mentoring Accessible buildings/activities Language courses Psychological support Inclusive learning and teaching methods and tools Part-time study options, flexible courses Financial support Positive action Childcare on campus Remediation courses/bridging courses Housing support Other No specific activities to ensure retention I do not know 87 77 70 68 63 62 58 39 39 39 32 8 1 0 Source: European University Association 2019: Diversity, equity and inclusion in European higher education institutions. Results from the INVITED project. How do you support students during their studies to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion? A survey under a total of 159 higher education institutions from 36 European systems, information in percent Which aspects and dimensions of diversity do you address at your institution? A survey under a total of 159 higher education institutions from 36 European systems, information in percent 19 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 112/2021