No. 111/2020

18 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 111/2020 FOCUS ACHIEVING MORE TOGETHER The world-spanning Humboldt Network is an important foundation stone for collaboration amongst scientists and scholars, and thus for excellent research. Fifty-five Humboldtians have already won a Nobel Prize. In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to Richard Schrock and, in 2016, two Hum- boldtians were honoured: Ben Feringa and Fraser Stoddart. An overview of their connections within the Humboldt Network. BEN L. FERINGA * 18 May 1951, Netherlands With specialisms in organic chemistry, nanotechnology and asymmetric catalysis, the Dutch professor at the Uni- versity of Groningen won the Nobel Prize for the design and synthesis of molecular machines. 2014–2015 Georg Forster- Postdoctoral Fellow SINCE 2011 Hans Fischer Honorary Fellow 2016 Humboldt Research Stay 2015–2016 Humboldt Foundation alumni sponsorship 2007–2008 Humboldt Research Fellow 2011 Humboldt Research Award 2016 ANTJE BAEUMNER Professor in the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg NONGNOTT WONGKAEW Research Associate in the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Regensburg THORSTEN BACH Professor of organic chemistry, Technical University of Munich TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NOBEL PRIZE FOR CHEMISTRY