No. 111/2020

FOCUS 16 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 111/2020 easy access to specialist knowledge that it can continue pro- cessing. A new framework thus emerges in which knowl- edge is exchanged and generated. This virtual mobility of knowledge changes the form of the knowledge itself. Other methods, such as crowdreviewing, which the Humboldt Foundation also embraces, utilise the opportu- nities offered by digitisation – in this case to unburden the review process and make it more flexible. FAST KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER It would also be good for the climate if not only knowl- edge, but also researchers were more frequently connected with one another virtually. “I attended a couple of confer- ences over Twitter this past year to reduce my carbon foot- print. Still being able to participate in these spaces is one positive outcome of digital platforms like these, but they are also reaching a wider audience by lowering some of the economic and ecological barriers to engaging in knowl- edge exchange,” Beronda Montgomery believes. She now feels quite happy about holding seminars online. What gets lost, however, are the informal conversations over cof- NINETY PERCENT OF MY COLLABORATIONS BEGAN FACE-TO-FACE.” “