No. 110/2019

Language barriers Bureaucracy Social integration in everyday life Finding accommodation Support of / collaboration with host Humboldt Foundation: fellowship regulations 28% 25% 19% 11% 10% 8% What were the negative aspects of your stay in Germany? Individual points of criticism: Language barriers and bureaucracy are the most annoying. Fellows were asked to comment freely on any aspects or describe personal experiences they perceived negatively. Out of 1,803 respondents, 1,277 answered the open question “What were the negative aspects of your stay in Germany?” appro- priately. The most frequent points of criticism were language barriers and bureaucracy. 22 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 110/2019 It is not easy to establish personal contacts with the colleagues at work, people tend to keep work and personal life separate, and this can have both positive and negative aspects.” (m/ USA) “