No. 110/2019

From food and culture via local transport and rents to the atmosphere in society and at universities: what the survey respondents particularly wanted to express. A selection. Children’s performance at school depends a lot on parental involvement. In our case, with both parents having such work-intensive jobs, this was a problem, even with a hardworking child.” (w / Russian Federation) “ “ “ Deutsche Bahn is the best in the world!” The antimigrant demonstration that takes place regularly near my apartment in Leipzig was a serious source of concern to me as I fear for the safety of my family every time the demonstrations are taking place.” (m / Nigeria) I ESPECIALLY LOVED THE PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN GERMANY - DEUTSCHE BAHN IS THE BEST TRANSPORT IN THE WORLD!” (m/ India) The lack of adaptation in the academic system to promote international young group leaders (lack of tenure track positions, lack of hiring early stage international researchers for group leader positions)... in general, the academic system here needs to modernize its structure, it is still highly monarchical, a more horizontal system of science leadership would bring Germany into the 21st century.“ (m/USA) “ Also, having lived in the UK before, as a comparison, customer services are poorer in Germany and people make less effort to be polite with customers.” (m / Romania) I truly believe that being a Humboldt Fellow was responsible for much of this success: I had the impression that the people I met were more positive and had higher expectations, because of my AvH Fellowship.” (m/ South Africa) The current political situation in Germany, with the rise of the far right, was a difficult reality to face during this year. I myself faced some racist comments and although I wasn’t harmed, I felt rather unsafe in some situations and grew a bit insecure about my place in German society.” (m/Nigeria) “ And the bratwurst... oh yes! I ’m going to miss bratwurst above all, I ’m not sure how I ’m going to manage to continue my life without them. (M/ ARGENTINA) “ “ Possibly the worst experience in Germany was the search for the apartment. I spent a whole month of my time doing this . (m / Russian Federation) “ I found out that German society is more reserved and cold compared to what I experi- enced in the US and Switzerland. Although I did not feel discriminated, I did not feel integrated either.” (m/ Turkey) “ “ MORE ONLINE for additional quotations visit kosmos-en „ During daily life, many people are warm- heart and also helpful, all our colleagues are so nice to us and help us on every aspects, so we enjoyed our life here so much.“ (w / China) “ „ Because everything is strictly regulated by rules and contracts, everything in the country works pretty perfectly. Chaos kicks in if something unexpected occurs. But only then.” (M / SPAIN) “