No. 113/2021

and hypotheses, which have to be checked, confirmed or, indeed, disproved multiple times.” The fact that scientific recommendations on issues like the suitability of vaccines for specific age groups changed, led to a degree of discon- tent amongst the population and politicians. Pape argues for dealing with changes in the evidence base in a sober, open way: “The division of labour in our society tasks sci- ence with providing the best possible knowledge available. It should not behave as though it had oven-ready solutions to every problem but must openly admit to uncertainties. It must refrain from promising society any kind of pana- cea – that leads, on the one hand, to science making exces- sive demands on itself and, on the other, to an excess of hope and expectations.” LONGING FOR SOLUTIONS But even when scientists are modest and realistic, they often encounter huge expectations which have grown his- torically. “In the last few decades, science and technol- ogy have been very successful. That has spoilt soci- › FIGURE 5 What would have to happen to motivate researchers to engage more with science communication in the future? There would have to be more support from scientific institutions. 33 51 2 14 There would have to be support in a crisis, e.g., negative reporting, shitstorms, threats and harassment. 33 49 3 15 There would have to be more financial resources for science communication. 30 49 3 18 Researchers would have to be invited to science communication activities more often. 25 51 3 21 An evaluation would have to be conducted to assess the value of science communication. 24 46 7 22 Science communication would have to play a more important role in a researcher’s career path. 19 34 12 35 There would have to be more training and continuing education opportunities. 23 47 5 25 Science communication would have to play a bigger role in awarding grants. 16 32 34 17 Figures in percent. Discrepancies in totals caused by rounding. (n ≥ 5,594) completely disagree tend to disagree tend to agree completely agree 19 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 113/2021 CLONED SHEEP turns 100! DNA madness