No. 113/2021

an online course for members of the general public. “I con- centrate on exclusively talking about my work,” she says. When climate researchers talk about their work, they find themselves knocking on open doors. Theirs is a hot topic, their findings influence policies all over the world. But not everyone is enthusiastic: climate experts report repeatedly on hostility and threats. This leaves Eduardo Queiroz Alves unfazed. The geochemist, a Humboldt Research Fellow at the AlfredWegener Institute in Bremer- haven, investigates the impact of melting permafrost on the Earth’s climate. “Lots of people think research on the climate crisis is a kind of black box. They hear scientific forecasts and recommendations but simply cannot imagine how they are arrived at,” says the Brazilian. In his words, he therefore wants to “demystify” the work of climate scien- tists and invite those who are interested into his lab – vir- tually. And he puts a great deal of effort into doing so: he holds lectures for students and school children, he tweets and blogs. He has just taken part in the Communication Lab for Exchange between Research and Media that is run jointly by the Humboldt Foundation and the organisation International Journalists’ Programmes (IJP). Researchers like Queiroz Alves share ideas and experience with jour- nalists on communicating science and prepare journalis- tic products together. “Up to now, I had largely written for colleagues and find it quite difficult to discover the voice I should use to speak to the general public,” he says. Then he grins. “During the programme, one journalist asked me to write a short summary of my work. She read the few lines I’d written and said, ‘I don’t get it at all.’ So, I wrote it FIGURE 3 To what extent do the following apply to you personally and your engagement in science communication? I don’t have enough time. 42 41 3 14 There are not enough reasons to do so. 18 45 9 27 In my projects there are not enough resources for this. 20 36 13 30 I don’t have sufficient knowledge or ability. 24 5 46 25 I feel my research topic is unsuitable. 24 8 36 33 I have received negative feedback in the past. 7 1 32 59 does not apply to me at all does not really apply to me applies to me more than not fully applies to me Figures in percent. Discrepancies in totals caused by rounding. (n ≥ 5,611) ON PRINCIPLE, I NEVER COMMENT ON POLITICAL ISSUES, NEITHER IN INTERVIEWS NOR ON SOCIAL MEDIA.” › „ 17 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 113/2021