No. 114/2022

5 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 114/2022 Photos: Wombo Studios Inc., private, Eugene Tam, Illustration: Martin Rümmele IMPRINT HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 114 FOCUS 12 Prodigious promise What AI can do – and what it can’t 16 “Sorry you’re are going through this” How AI can help us mentally 21 How to become an AI superpower Humboldt Professor for AI, Holger Hoos, on what Germany can learn from Canada 26 24 IN THE FOUNDATION NETWORK 26 CLOSE UP ON RESEARCH The linguist 30 FOCUS ON GERMANY Letter to Germany 34 THE FACES OF THE FOUNDATION A who’s who of the people behind the scenes at the Humboldt Foundation PUBLISHER Alexander von Humboldt Foundation EDITOR IN CHIEF Georg Scholl (responsible), Teresa Havlicek EDITORS Nina Hafeneger, Ulla Hecken, Lisa Purzitza ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS Dr Lynda Lich-Knight PRODUCTION & GRAPHICS Raufeld Medien GmbH Nina Koch (Project Management), Daniel Krüger (Creative Direction), Lotte Buchholz (Art Direction) FREQUENCY twice a year CIRCULATION OF THE ISSUE 43,000 PRINT Bonifatius GmbH, Paderborn ADDRESS Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Redaktion Humboldt Kosmos Jean-Paul-Straße 12, 53173 Bonn, Germany , ISSN 0344-0354 12 More on the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s AI PODCAST