No. 114/2022

Hi everyone, After three months spent conducting research in Berlin, my wife, our 14-year-old daughter and I returned home taking many pleasant experiences with us. Before getting back to our routine, I wanted to send my regards and thank you for supporting us once again. My scientific stay was excellent, but not only that; it was an experience that again opened our minds and interests in many other respects. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Regards from Argentina! Alejandro Fainstein To: Subject: From: 1994 BERLIN WALL In 1993/94, the Berlin Wall was mostly intact. More than 2,000 researchers from all over the world come to Germany every year to spend time working on their research under Humboldt auspices. In the course of their careers, some of these Humboldtians come more than once, like the Argentinian physicist Alejandro Fainstein. In a letter to the Foundation, he describes just how much Germany had changed in the 25 years between his two visits. Letter to Germany 30 HUMBOLDT KOSMOS 114/2022 FOCUS ON GERMANY